Food Inspiration for the next coming weekend!

Sometimes I love fishes, and I make food all about fishes.
Sometimes I am not because I eat too much of fishes at one time.
At one time during my childhood, most of my meals had included a fried fish and a bowl of fish soup. Nowadays, I do not eat that often, maybe one in few months whenever my husband wants.
Of course, my taste now has also changed, I know to eat more kind of food made from fish and know how to make them as well. I look around and learn from people. The world around us is a diversity source for me to discover and I love pizza with smoke salmon and cream cheese, or wrap and roll grilled fish, or even raw fish like sashimi tuna...
Let's go and enjoy different kind of flavours around the world! even just through photos from people shot!

Inspired by a talent food stylist photographer from Cannell-Vanille Blog.

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