Yummy Lotus in Longan summer drink! Nhãn lồng hạt sen!

So what inspires me to cool down this summer? A homemade summer drink - Longan Lotus! Yay..my mom used to make this for us when we were little and now of course my turn to make this for my hubby. He actually joined a part of the making process in peeling the cell and removing the seed of those longans. It kinna took a while for him! Well, as the result, it tastes incredible as it always is, just like my mom making...

Summer creamy~!

{Vanilla-Oreo Icecream}

What else inspires you more than an yummy vanilla gelato oreo this hot summer days!

receta, recipe, helado, icecream, vainilla, vanilla, oreo

{Vanilla-Oreo Icecream}


For the custard

250 ml milk
250 ml cream
150 grsugar
30 gr cornstarch
1 vanilla pod
3 yolks (medium size eggs)

To finish the icecream:

250 ml whipping cream
10 or 15 Oreo cookies

Difficulty: Only for people able to say Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.


Put 250 ml cream, 150 ml milk, sugar and vanilla pod in a saucepan over medium heat until it boils.In a bowl, blend cornstarch, and remaining milk; add beaten egg yolks. Remove bean pod from pot. Add cornstarch mixture to pot. Cook, stirring, until it starts to thicken and barely reaches a boil, about 5 minutes. Immediately reduce heat to very low and stir for 5 minutes or so until thick. Chill until cool. Whip remaining cream with an elecric mixer, and add to the mixture carefully. Pour into an ice cream machine and prepare according to the manufacturer’s instructions. In my machine it takes about 30 minutes. Five minutes before it ends, add chopped cookies, and place in freezer. Take out of the freezer ten minutes before it is going to be served. source from: La receta de la felicadad

receta, recipe, helado, icecream, vainilla, vanilla, oreo